
Score: 0
Join on: 06/01/16
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a quick question
"wait wait, do you know the year"
16:19 06/01/16
a quick question
"of? what, listen i have places to go"
16:18 06/01/16
a quick question
16:18 06/01/16
a quick question
"emm... well its the 1st of june"
16:17 06/01/16
a quick question
"time, funny you should say that, whats the date today?"
16:17 06/01/16
a quick question
"sure do you need the time or..."
16:16 06/01/16
a quick question

16:15 06/01/16
a solemn goodbye
the only reason i ask that question is because i want to special, i want you to have been special.
16:05 06/01/16
a solemn goodbye
everyday i ask the same question, i ask it to no one, and no one answers. why do good people die?
16:03 06/01/16